By Darin

Darin Jones, Alan
Scott, Cell Ashley
was a dog named Prince that used to be in the back of a
pickup every Saturday at Collinsville Trade Day in
Collinsville, Alabama, USA. This was a place where on a good
day you could see Cel Ashley, Alas Kittle, G.L.Williamson,
and Alan Scott all in one day at this place.
Prince belonged to Mr. Kittle. He was a large dog with
a big head. Everyone has different views on his
weight,myself I would guess he probably weighed around one
hundred pounds.
Kittle received a distress call one morning from some folks
in a nearby community. It seems there was a Saint
Bernard who had been given his free run. This Saint
Bernard had killed a couple of head of cattle and several
were about 10 people there when Mr. Kittle and Prince
arrived at the farm that the Saint Bernard was visiting that
day. Once in the Pasture, he told Prince to catch the dog.
Prince caught and held the dog. One man wanted the dog so
they were going to let him take it. As Mr. Kittle broke
Prince off the dog he went for Mr. Kittle this was his last
mistake. Prince broke his neck.
Prince was killed in the eighties by a reckless driver. Some
say that he had to run off the road to kill him. Like many
of the dogs, around those days no one knows where Prince
came from.
Kittle passed away in 1995. This man loved AMERICAN
BULLDOGS. When Cell Ashley was asked where he got his first
A.B. He said from Alas Kittle...?