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Here Is A Picture Pedigree
Showing Ancestors For
Benaiah and Gabby
As Well As Some Pups
This Combination Has Produced

Joshua's Joshua's Joshua's Ellie Mae   Rockytop's Kinghaven Nicky's Kinghaven's Brubaker's
Isaac Zamar Isaac of Alan Scott   Squid Lil' Sis General Lee Hannah of KH
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  V                            V                              V                            V                         
Joshua's Ol' Southern White Joshua's   Grand Champion Kinghaven's
aka "Josh" Shunamite   Kinghaven's Winston Play Misty For Me
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  V                                                                               V                   
Laura's Benaiah On A Snowy Day   Laura's Talk Of The Town  aka  "Gabby"
Written Pedigree   Written Pedigree